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Vedic Baby Names
Vedic Names with auspicious meaning for your baby that will accumulate Punya.

Does My chart Attract Evil Eye and negativity
Are people having negative vibes for you as per the chart.

Ashtakoota Milan Report
Report on Varna, Vasya, Deena, Yoni, Maitri, Gan, Bhakoot and Nadi Koota.

Will work involve travel
As per my chart will I need to travel or be at the same location for work.

Am I a Day or Night person as per the chart
Figure out if you are active person in the day or the night.

Planets and Houses
Find out the position of planets in houses and rasi’s in your chart.

Love marriage or Arranged marriage
Will my marriage be arranged or Will I find a partner on my own.

Neutral Planets in My chart
The planets that are neight great or not that bad in my chart – Neutral.

Check Physical compatibility with partner
Do I find my partner physically attractive as per the chart

Suitable Colour for my chart
Which colour dresses, bedsheets, kerchiefs should I focus as per the chart

Planetary positions in my chart
Where are my planets placed in my chart? Houses and Signs

Do I have Power Raja Yogas in my chart
Does my chart have any power Raja Yogas that can lead me to weatth, money or fame.

Best Mantra for me as per my chart
Which Mantra chanting can give me a better life as per my chart

What is my Tithi as per my chart
There are 15 phases in Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha, Which is mine

Am i Sattvic, Rajasic or Tamasic as per my chart
We are all a mix of these, which is more prominent Guna

Adi Devatas to pray to strengthen the planets in the chart
Which Adi devatas to pray that can improve the bhagya as per my chart

Sensitive Areas in the body as per the chart
The body part that may need care as per my chart

Planetary Positions in the D4 Chart/Chathurthamsa
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Planetary positions in the D6 Chart/ Shashtamsa
Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Planetary Position sin the D7 Chart/ Saptamsa
Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Planetary positions in the D11 Chart/ Rudramsa
Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Planetary positions in the D12 chart/ Dwadasamsa
Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Chathurthamsa Chart ( D4)
Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Do i have Sarpa Dosh in my chart
Any curse from Sarpa Devatas in my chart that I need to rectify

Do i have Guru Chandal Dosh in my chart
Combination of Jupiter and Rahu can lead us against the system/ dharma

Do I have Grahan Dosh in my chart
Is Surya or Sun giving a positive impact for my chart.

Do I have Chandra Dosh in my chart
An unafflicted moon will help me maintain a balanced mind.

Do I have Shukra Dosh in my chart
Shukra Dosh can affect love and relationship, do I have this issue.

Do I have Surya Dosh in the chart
A good Sun indicates radiance, confidence and leadership skills

Do I have Kemadruma Dosh in my chart
No support for Moon in the chart can lead to depression

Do I have Budh Dosh in my chart
Good communication and business skills means mercury is strong in the chart.

Is my Nakshatra Gandanta Nakshatra
Certain nakshatras are between water and fire and can lead to issues.

Do I have Vish Dosh in my chart
Moon conjunct saturn can lead to slowness and depression

Do I have Papa Kartari Yog in my chart
If the planets in my chart and hemmed between malefics

Is there Nadi Dosha in the couples chart
The Nadis have to be different for a healthy life

Is there Bhakoot Dosh in the couples chart
Are our moons aligned so that we overcome Bhakoot Dosh

Types of Food suitable for your chart
Types of food that is suitablea s per my chart – Sweet, Pungent, Astringent, Sour etc.

Does my chart have planets that are powerful
Are there power planets in my chart that can usher in power and fame?

Application of Intelligence
One may be intelligent but the application of mind towards positivity is important in life.

Which stone is my Bhagya planet as per my chart?
Gemstones to wear to increase Bhagya

Will others respect me
Respect is a function of how you behave and that is dependent on the planetary positions.

Will I make money in this dasha
Atleast in this time frame, I want to make some money.

Is my chart prone to depression
Can take precautionary measures if the chart is prone to depression at some point in life

Is my chart prone to anxiety and panic attacks
Not able to think properly and take decisions?

Is my chart prone to being different and cut away from others
Am i a loner in life as per the chart

Does my chart have probability for hallucinations
Mind should be stable to have friends in life

Is my chart prone for bad name in society?
Should I be careful regarding any bad name that can be there.

Will both our wavelengths match?
Do we think similar and will our relationship survive